Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How Big Is too Big?

Let's think big.  A thousand yards is pretty far.  It'll probably take you to your nearest grocery store.

Let's think bigger.  Ten times that distance is, of course 10,000 yards, or a little over five and a half miles.  That will probably span your entire city.

To think of a bigger number, let's consider the size of a school bus.  The longest ones are 40 feet in length.  If you lined up one hundred fifty thousand of them, they would span from Canada to Mexico.  One hundred fifty thousand is a very big number.

How big is a million? Let's say it takes you one minute to tie your tie.  Do you think you could do it one million times in your life?  If you were to tie your tie one million times, it would take you TWO YEARS - morning, noon, and night!

10,000,000 is a huge number.  Ten million meters is approximately the diameter of the Earth.

Your car is probably about 16 feet long.  If you lined up 100,000,000 of them, it would take you over eighty-one thousand four hundred thirty miles past the moon.

I have a hard time imagining one billion.  1,000,000,000 miles per hour is one and a half times the speed of light.

10 billion light years would take you to the edge of the known universe!

100 billion is unfathomable. It's estimated that there are around 100,000,000,000 (one hundred billion) stars in our galaxy.

But as big as that number is, there's an even bigger number to worry about.  Let's say that each one of those one hundred billion stars had a dollar.  If those 100,000,000,000 stars each gave us their dollar,
it would only cover 0.6% of the US national debt.

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